You Can Make a Difference
How You Can Make a Difference
Watch the film and help us spread the word.
Recommend the film to your friends, share with your friends and networks on social media.
Follow us on social media.
Buy the DVD. All money raised from the sale of the limited special edition DVD goes towards the social impact project.
Host a Screening and to make an even bigger impact, facilitate a post-screening discussion. We will provide you with a written facilitator guide, suggested questions for audience facilitation, promotional materials to promote your screening event (e.g. the film’s poster, a leaflet template, logo, synopsis etc.), suggestions for who to invite to your screening, audience feedback questionnaire and a screening report.
Share photos from your screening event on social media and don’t forget to tag us. Our social media handles are:
§ Facebook @Sistersofthewilderness
§ Twitter @WildSisters16
§ Instagram @sistersofthewilderness
Suggested hahstags: #sisterofthewilderness #onenaturefilms #wearenature #saveimfolozi #womenfornature #impactfilms #filmswithamessage #filmsthatmatter #savetherhino
Book a post-screening Q&A with our creator and producer, Ronit Shapiro. Please mention on the Host a Screening form that you are interested in a Q&A. Ronit can attend your screening or join you via an online video conference link e.g. Skype, Zoom.
Book a talk or a workshop with the project creator, Ronit Shapiro. Email us with details about your audience, type of event, proposed date and venue. You can choose from one of our suggested topics or we can customise the talk / workshop according to your needs. Learn more about the types of talks and workshops.
Give us feedback on the film.
If you hosted a screening, give us feedback on how it went.
Write a blog and or an article about the film and or the issues that the film highlights. Don’t forget to share with us and tag us.
Become an Ambassador for Sisters of the Wilderness. Please contact us for a chat about what being an ambassador entails.
Volunteer with us or become an intern. We are a very small team and would love your support, especially if you are looking to get experience in marketing, PR, social media, website maintenance, administration, fund raising etc. Please contact us to tell us more about yourself, please include your CV.
Become a strategic partner. We are looking to collaborate with organisations, small or big, and or with individuals, operating in areas relating to what we do. If you are passionate about nature, young people empowerment and leadership development. We are constantly looking to expand our network of global collaborators. Please contact us to discuss.
Become a sponsor. The Sisters of the Wilderness social impact project was created for the benefit of the public to advance education and raise awareness of the value of nature to our well-being and promote an harmonious way of living with nature for the enhancement of wellness of people and the environment; and to advance leadership development and empowerment of young people, especially women, in particular but not exclusively in under-served communities. Read more about the impact project and get in touch to discuss in details.
Provide pro-bono support. We especially need support in the following areas: PR, social media, social impact, website maintenance. Please contact us to discuss.
Provide in-kind support. We especially need screening equipment to be able to do more screenings in rural communities e.g. projector, speakers, screen, solar chargers etc. Please contact us to discuss.
Distribute the film in your part of the world or help us find a distributor. Please contact us to discuss.
Other things you can do as an individual and or with your peers:
Spend more time in nature.
Introduce into your life a sport routine in nature e.g. at your local park. Go for a walk, jog, cycle, open water swim etc.
Be conscious of the impact you make on your environment and nature.
Consciously become more kind and caring towards yourself, others and the environment.
Start a discussion with your peers about human and nature interconnectedness and identify what you can do together to raise awareness to the importance of nature.
Go on a wilderness trail, in your home country or further afield.
Volunteer with an organisation that focuses on the issues that the film highlights.
Learn more about the issues affecting iMfolozi.
Get involved in the efforts to save wildlife and wilderness.
Divest from companies that exploit nature directly or in-directly.
If you wish to support the project, get involved, host a screening of the film in your organisation, event, community or distribute the film in your part of the world, please contact us.