
When Five Young Zulu Women Venture Into The Wilderness, Their Lives Change Forever


Set in the iMfolozi wilderness, South Africa, in the oldest game park in Africa, Sisters of the Wilderness tells the story of five young Zulu women going into the wilderness for the first time in their lives on a journey of healing and self-discovery which serves as a reminder that we are intimately linked to nature and what we do to her we do to ourselves. The film also explores the plight of this primordial wilderness, which is severely threatened by open-cast coal mining on its border, and a rhino poaching calamity.

The film, a multi-award winning social impact feature-length documentary, is the foundation for an outreach and audience engagement programme which aims to re-connect audiences with wild nature, raise awareness to the value of nature to our well-being and help the efforts to save the iMfolozi wilderness, from the threat of unsustainable mining and illegal hunting of its rhinos. Read more about the impact programme.

Sisters of the Wilderness argues, quietly and persuasively, that another world is still possible… that we would do well to learn that the wilderness itself is, or better can be, our sister.
— Dan Moshenberg, Journalist
It is a documentary with the sensitive female eye and strong female spirit... This is an exquisite film.
— Marianne Fassler, Fashion Designer

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London Eco Film Festival

Sisters of the Wilderness Screening in London Coming Soon - Watch this space!